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14 Tutorials To Help You Shoot Better Photos At The Coast

14 Tutorials To Help You Shoot Better Photos At The Coast | Mobile Photography |
14 Tutorials To Help You Shoot Better Photos At The Coast
Kitty Fisher's insight:

That time of year is coming up, where you will be hitting the beach and your camera too. Here, we have 14 tutorials to anything and everything beach themed.

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How To: Use Colored Flour and Strobes to Create Powerful Portrait Photography

How To: Use Colored Flour and Strobes to Create Powerful Portrait Photography | Mobile Photography |

Ever wanted to take some high speed photos of flour flying through the air? 

PhotoExtremist has put together a very interesting tutorial about how to set-up, light, shoot, and edit a high-speed photoshoot using colored flour. It's a surprisingly basic setup for what amount to some pretty impressive looking images.

You can see the entire thing below, but it's essentially a pretty straight forward. The flour is colored using holi powder, and flung at the model by an assistant. The scene was lit with a beauty-dished strobe from the front, and teo rear speedlights slaved into the system. That provided enough light to capture a high-speed image of the flour flying.

Photographer Evan Sharboneau also went through the substantial editing he did with the images, often times radically changing the color and spahe of the photo in order to get the final image he was looking for.

So it you're up for a project that's going to require some heavy cleanup, but could create some fantastic images.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

I had to introduce this cool bit of high-speed powder photography to the masses. Yes it will require some cleanup but the imagery is far from ordinary. This is a tutorial on how to set up, light, shoot and an extremely high speed shutter.

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Tutorials | Mobile Photography |
How To Use a DSLR Camera Like A Pro - Great tips and over 50 links to FREE photography tutorials. (How To Use a DSLR Camera Like A Pro - Great tips and over 50 links to FREE photography tutorials.
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Ten Top Winter Photography Tutorials

Ten Top Winter Photography Tutorials | Mobile Photography |

Learn how to take great shots of wildlife in winter with this tutorial. We list tips on what gear you should use as well as advice on how and where to take your photos from.

Frost might not be good for plants but it is great for photographers who are looking for winter scenes and interesting abstracts to add to their portfolio. Here, David Clapp shares a few tips on capturing these frozen frames.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

WInter Photography has now come in the form of a tutorial. What can you take pictures off in the dead of Winter? With all that snow, what about some macro shots of the frost on your windshield. Or of Winter wildlife adapting to the cold. There is an endless supply of images waiting to be caught.

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How to Create a Stunning Surreal Landscape

How to Create a Stunning Surreal Landscape | Mobile Photography |

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn in easy and simple steps how to create a surreal environment. We'll cover techniques such as blending elements together with non-destructive techniques, using blure to create distance between the objects, and much more.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

To add to the surrealism that these photoshop tutorials have to popping up. This has got to be one of the best, with this you will be creating a whole world.

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10 Useful Digital Photography Tutorials for Beginners » Creative Design

10 Useful Digital Photography Tutorials for Beginners » Creative Design | Mobile Photography |

"With a list of different online classes and first person point of view tactics, you can learn the beginning stages of photography, on your own time. And in doing so discovering the fundmentals that can change your whole outlook to photography."

Via Kitty Fisher
Kitty Fisher's curator insight, August 29, 2013 11:12 AM

Before you head off to Photoshop, it would be best advised to learn some cool little techniques about using your DSLR camera, first.