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How-To: Picking a Great Lens for Milky Way Photography

How-To: Picking a Great Lens for Milky Way Photography | Mobile Photography |

"There are a number of lens traits that will determine the quality and usability of a camera lens for astrophotography. Let me explain what sort of thinking should go into choosing and using a lens for making astrophotography and Milky Way nightscapes."

Interesting Content's insight:

This article gives you useful tips about selecting the right lenses for taking pictures of the night sky in all its glory. If you've always wondered how photographer are able to get detailed images of the Milky way, this article is a must-read.

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AF-ON & Back Button Autofocus: This May Just Change the Way You Shoot Forever

AF-ON & Back Button Autofocus: This May Just Change the Way You Shoot Forever | Mobile Photography |
The technique is called Back Button Autofocus and it can really change the way you use your camera. Rather than autofocusing with your shutter release, you move the autofocus function exclusively to a button on the back of the camera. When you first hear about this technique, it’s natural to greet the idea with a bit of uncertainty, but once you get used to focusing with this method, you may never go back.
Interesting Content's insight:

Autofocusing usually involves holding the shutter release halfway down until the image is focused. However, with a new technique known as Back Button Autofocus you can make the task of focusing your images a whole lot easier. Read this article for more details.

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