"It’s hard to remember now, but back in the 1990s taking a decent picture required skill. Only dedicated hobbyists or professionals reliably produced images worth looking at. Now there are several phones with cameras that take pictures almost perfectly most of the time, even when used by amateurs.
But after looking at the Google Glass photos of Trey Ratcliff, a New Zealand-based travel photographer, you might be convinced that Glass could revolutionize photography just as thoroughly as smartphones have."
If you ever thought Google glass photography was impossible, you're in for a surprise. In fact, these recently released images show just how powerful the Google glass camera is.
It seems the world of photography changes at an extremely rapid pace. First, there was the disposable camera, then came digital camera, then the smartphone, and now glasses. More specifically, Google Glass. And although it may sound a bit exaggerated, Google Glass will change the landscape of photography forever. Just take a look at some of these pictures.