Mobile Photography
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Mobile Photography
News about mobile and digital photography, photo apps, effects, tips and photo galleries
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Photo Editing and Drawing Tutorials - PicsArt

Photo Editing and Drawing Tutorials - PicsArt | Mobile Photography |
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Tilt-shift photography is an awesome way to give your photos a miniature effect, but did you know that you can create the same effect with PicsArt’s Tilt Shift Tool? Read on to learn how to do it!

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5 Simple Ways to Create Expressive Photos in Black and White

5 Simple Ways to Create Expressive Photos in Black and White | Mobile Photography |

"Can you visualize the world around you in black and white? It’s not easy to do at first with an array bright colors competing for your attention. Look a little closer however, and you may recognize the broad potential for expressive imagery."

Interesting Content's insight:

This article provides useful tips about using black and white filters to make your photos more expressive. A great read for any photographer.

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The Haunting Long Exposure Photography of Darren Moore

The Haunting Long Exposure Photography of Darren Moore | Mobile Photography |
It’s easy to see why Moore’s work has earned him international awards and exhibits in the USA, Canada, France and the UK.
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Check out this amazing collection of long exposure photos by UK Photographer Darren Moore's to get inspiration for your next photo shoot. These pictures have an almost unearthly characteristic to them which makes them quite intriguing to look at.

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6 Photography Tips I Learned From a Wildlife Photographer

6 Photography Tips I Learned From a Wildlife Photographer | Mobile Photography |

"Photographing wildlife in Africa is a unique experience, but what I discovered about photography when I shot with professional wildlife photographer Gerry van der Walt, director of Wild Eye, and his team in Kenya this past September was surprisingly universal. Whether in the bush or in your own backyard, you can use these six tips anywhere, anytime. "

Interesting Content's insight:

This article offers some insight about the techniques by a wildlife photographer. These universal photography tips can also be used for photography in any location or situation.

Although it may not seem like it, there are quite a few similarities between wildlife photography and regular photography. Actually, once you learn some of the basics of wildlife photography, you'll be able to take more interesting photos and add meaning to your pictures. The tips in this article are for creative and regular photographers alike.

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MIT Created a Camera That Will Never Overexpose a Photograph

MIT Created a Camera That Will Never Overexpose a Photograph | Mobile Photography |

"MIT scientists have designed a new camera that will never overexpose a photograph, no matter what the lighting situation is."

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Overexposure will soon be a forgotten thing once cameras integrate this amazing feature into their cameras.

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Richard Prince Selling Other People's Instagram Shots Without Permission for $100K

Richard Prince Selling Other People's Instagram Shots Without Permission for $100K | Mobile Photography |

"Artist Richard Prince is notorious in the art world for taking other people’s work, “appropriating” them as his own with various changes, and then selling them for large amounts of dough."

Interesting Content's insight:

An interesting article I came across today while looking for tips to scoop. It really draws light on the issue of privacy and the implications associated with having your photos open to the public.

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40 Tips to Take Better Photos

40 Tips to Take Better Photos | Mobile Photography |
Many years ago when I was a starry-eyed undergrad I would ask every photographer I came across the same question: "How do I take better photos?" 

Interesting Content's insight:

This is a great article for any beginner photographer who wants to improve their photography skills. Follow these tips and you'll be able to take better photos, pick interesting subjects, and find your unique photography style.

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