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Mobile Photography
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A Collection of Dreamy Star Photography

A Collection of Dreamy Star Photography | Mobile Photography |

"Photographing the stars is one of the toughest parts of night photography. "

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This stunning collection of photos showcases some of the best night scenes captured by photographers. You could use these pictures as inspiration next time you want to capture stars in the night sky.

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Photography Tips: Shooting Photos of the Stars

Photography Tips: Shooting Photos of the Stars | Mobile Photography |
The night sky has inspired artists for millennia, and it is no less a muse for photographers today. What’s more, digital technology, including lower-noise sensors and the ability to enhance and combine images during postproduction, makes shooting stars more accessible than ever—and requires no special equipment. Here’s how three stellar masters get their shots.
Interesting Content's insight:

If you've ever wondered how photographers capture images of the stars, this article will give you an inside look at the world of sky photography. These tips will not only improve your photography skills but your post-production skills at well. Definitely an interesting read for any photographer.

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Photo Challenge Finalists: Star Photography

Photo Challenge Finalists: Star Photography | Mobile Photography |

"The photos are an interesting collection of techniques, including single long exposures and multi-photo compositions assembled later in software. While they often produce very different images, they're all very impressive."

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This photo gallery contains some really breathtaking images of the stars in different settings. The photos are part of a photo challenge and intended to make you look at the cosmos in an entirely new way.

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