Mobile Photography
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Mobile Photography
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Happy snapping - Photography hints and tips with Peter Foster

Happy snapping - Photography hints and tips with Peter Foster | Mobile Photography |
These tips will show you what you can take, how to use your camera in the rain and how to check it over before you put it away.
Kitty Fisher's insight:

Summer thunder showers are coming and going, so why not find some tricks to snap those happy moments. Flowers will become more vibrant as the rain adds the drops to their petals and splashing in the mud puddles will make the little ones happy.

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3 Ways to Guarantee Good Exposures

3 Ways to Guarantee Good Exposures | Mobile Photography |

There is no excuse for coming home from a photo shoot to discover that your images are over or under exposed.

Your camera’s light meter will guide you to choose the right aperture and shutter speed settings to get a good exposure, or it will choose them automatically if you are using the automatic or semi-automatic modes.

The problem is that your camera can be fooled by tricky lighting situations and that’s why your image may not come out exactly the way you want it, despite all the advanced technology in your camera.

Below are 3 techniques you can use to make sure you get a good exposure. Choose the technique that works best for the type of photo shoot you are on and how much time you have while making images.

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