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Cover Cam app for Windows Phone 8 helps you create the perfect Facebook cover photo

Cover Cam app for Windows Phone 8 helps you create the perfect Facebook cover photo | Mobile Photography |

""Cover Cam is specially designed camera to capture beautiful Facebook cover photos. See the first screenshot, it will say whole story of the app. The unique idea behind Cover Cam is you can combine your Facebook profile picture and cover photo into one image. It makes your Facebook timeline header more beautiful, meaningful, attractive or something totally crazy," the app description reads."

Interesting Content's insight:

If you're looking for an app that lets you create unique cover photos for your Facebook timeline, Cover Cam might just be the app you're looking for. This article provides a rundown fo the features of the app and gives reasons why this is a one of a kind app for taking cover photos.

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InstaPic Is A Full-Featured Instagram Client For Windows 8 With Upload Capability

InstaPic Is A Full-Featured Instagram Client For Windows 8 With Upload Capability | Mobile Photography |
The Windows platform doesn’t seem to be high in the priority list when it comes to many major apps, though third-party developers try to fill in the gap quite well.

Via Allmyapps, wrapframe
Tiaan Jonker's comment, August 28, 2013 2:31 PM
"Sorry, this App is no longer available."