Stories In Flight | FlickrPoet | Digital Delights - Images & Design |

FlickrPoet is part of Stories In Flight, an ongoing exploration of storytelling in the age of the Internet.

Just enter a paragraph of text, a poem, some lyrics or even just a few random words and FlickrPoetwill find matching photos on Flickr based on a search of tags, titles and descriptions of the photos.

- You can re-run the search with other images by clicking "Show Story" again.
- Poems and lyrics seem to work best, hence the title, but feel free to experiment.
- Please let us know if you have suggestions on how to improve FlickrPoet.

If you like FlickrPoet, you may also be interested in another project: MapSkip - Places Have Stories.

Stories In Flight and FlickrPoet are © Thomas Sturm.

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