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Local news top topic

Local news top topic | DocPresseESJ |
Local or regional stories are of more interest to people than other types of news, new research has found.

A joint study by the University of Derby and the University of Leeds has revealed more people are interested in what is going on in their locality than in international news, social issues, crime and health-related stories.


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DocPresseESJ's insight:

“The report and the research demonstrate the importance of efforts to increase levels of news literacy among audiences, showing that when people feel knowledgeable about how news is regulated and how journalism works, they are more likely to trust the news it produces.”

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Axios launches paid memberships for its local newsletters

Axios launches paid memberships for its local newsletters | DocPresseESJ |

Axios has launched a membership program for some of its local newsletters. The suggested contributions, listed on new city-specific sites, range from $50 to $500 per year.
Those who join will get “quarterly exclusive newsletters” and Axios “may host members-only events and give birthday shout-outs” in the future. Axios Local general manager Ted Williams said newsletters would continue to add perks to each city’s membership program.


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DocPresseESJ's insight:

"Axios Local has nearly 400,000 total daily newsletter subscribers across all 14 cities and the emails have an open rate around 35%, Williams confirmed. The team expects to expand to 11 more cities in the first half of 2022."

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Une BBC moins londonienne

Une BBC moins londonienne | DocPresseESJ |

Le groupe audiovisuel public britannique BBC a dévoilé jeudi son plan pour "mieux refléter" la diversité des régions du Royaume-Uni, choisissant notamment de délocaliser environ 400 postes - soit la moitié des effectifs de sa chaîne d'information - hors de Londres.

La BBC a été vivement critiquée notamment pour ne pas avoir vu venir le Brexit.

DocPresseESJ's insight:

De nombreux services d'information seront transférés au cours des six prochaines années à Birmingham (deuxième ville d'Angleterre), Cardiff (capitale galloise), Leeds (nord de l'Angleterre) et Salford.

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How BBC World Service engages younger audiences by fulfilling six reader needs

How BBC World Service engages younger audiences by fulfilling six reader needs | DocPresseESJ |

Dmitry Shishkin, digital development editor, BBC World Service, explains why covering breaking news is not enough for today's audiences.
"Every person that wakes up and consumes the news will have already seen the headlines of the local providers, so the BBC has to be delivering something different."


Voir aussi "In Britain, a Team Effort to Help Local News Survive" (nytimes)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"BBC World Service now categorise articles in the following ways: update me, give me perspective, educate me, keep me on trend, amuse me and inspire me."

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Les déserts médiatiques se multiplient aux États-Unis

Les déserts médiatiques se multiplient aux États-Unis | DocPresseESJ |

(Edition abonnés)

Touchée de plein fouet par la grande crise de 2008, la presse locale américaine subit la fuite de ses revenus publicitaires, partis sur les plateformes Internet. La situation s'est tellement dégradée que des territoires, de plus en plus nombreux, ne disposent désormais plus de médias locaux. «Sur les 3143 comtés des États-Unis, près de 200 n'ont pas de journal local», affirme une étude de l'université de Caroline du Nord parue fin octobre.


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DocPresseESJ's insight:

Une partie importante de l'Amérique des périphéries est donc appelée aux urnes sans avoir été correctement informée sur ses candidats, leurs programmes, et les enjeux pour ses territoires. «Ces citoyens en sont réduits à se forger une opinion en fonction de ce qu'ils lisent dans leur boîte e-mail ou sur leur fil Facebook.»

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Info locale et hyperlocale: après l’engouement général, le temps du pragmatisme

Info locale et hyperlocale: après l’engouement général, le temps du pragmatisme | DocPresseESJ |

Les médias d’info locale et hyperlocale ont fleuri partout sur le web ces dix dernières années, faisant souffler un vent de fraîcheur dans une industrie en proie à la morosité. 
Mais une décennie après la hype, que reste-t-il de ce nouveau pan de l’industrie médiatique? La London School of Economics publie un rapport sur les défis et les perspectives de l’info hyperlocale, basé sur l’observation de l’industrie britannique: portrait d'une industrie pragmatique, consciente de la crise de son secteur, qui commence à se structurer et se professionnaliser. 


Voir aussi "USA: Finally some good news: Trust in news is up, especially for local media" (Poynter)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"L’accès à la carte de presse est particulièrement symbolique du combat de ces nouveaux acteurs pour être reconnus en tant que véritables médias."

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Google finance Radar, un site de robots-journalistes

Google finance Radar, un site de robots-journalistes | DocPresseESJ |

Le fonds Google Digital News Initiative a annoncé avoir accordé plus de 21 millions d'euros à 107 projets médias numériques issus de 27 pays européens. Parmi ces projets, une initiative britannique attire l'attention. Il s'agit du lancement d'un site d'actualité dont les articles seront rédigés... par des robots:  Radar, pour «Reporters and Data and Robots». Ce média est édité par le regroupement de journaux de province anglais Press Association


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DocPresseESJ's insight:

A priori, il s'agit d'aider les journalistes sur des tâches qu'ils ne pourraient pas eux-mêmes accomplir en raison d'une masse d'informations à traiter et du caractère chronophage et répétitif de la mission.

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Johnston Press' bet on the future of local news

Johnston Press' bet on the future of local news | DocPresseESJ |

The recent acquisition of the i has made Johnston Press the fourth biggest player in the UK newspaper market, with a combined circulation equal to 9 percent of the national daily circulation. 
That's a great first step towards marrying its national and regional papers' respective strengths, but it's a far cry from guaranteed sustainability. 
Ashley Highfield, CEO of Johnston Press, recently spoke about how the acquisition of the i can bolster that viability - but many questions still remain.

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"marketing services are where we are heading"

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La BBC prête à payer les journaux locaux pour exploiter ses plus belles histoires

La BBC prête à payer les journaux locaux pour exploiter ses plus belles histoires | DocPresseESJ |

Tony Hall, directeur général de la BBC, a proposé qu’il pourrait payer pour des histoires originales en provenance de la presse régionale et est allé jusqu’à suggérer que la BBC pourrait aider la presse locale dans sa transition vers le numérique.

Lire aussi "Tony Hall: BBC Could Pay Local Press for Content" (news media association)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"It is local papers that are best placed to reach local audiences"

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How Bristol managed to survive the crisis in local news

How Bristol managed to survive the crisis in local news | DocPresseESJ |
Newspaper closures and cutbacks have led to large parts of the UK becoming deserts for local news. Bristol, on the other hand, has become something of an oasis.
DocPresseESJ's insight:

"Bristol seems to provide a microcosm of different ways to fund and structure local journalism in the modern world. The only question that remains is whether the experiment can last."

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“The demand is definitely there”: How Social Spider is making local news commercially viable

“The demand is definitely there”: How Social Spider is making local news commercially viable | DocPresseESJ |
Local news is under more pressure than ever. But as Covid has demonstrated, having local sources of information is vital both for keeping communities connected and holding local power to account.

However, local news doesn’t have to be just a labour of love. Social Spider is one publisher making the economics work for its five community newspapers: the Waltham Forest Echo, Tottenham Community Press, Enfield Dispatch, EC1 Echo and Barnet Post.


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DocPresseESJ's insight:

The papers each have a combination of paid journalism and voluntary input from people in the local community. Print advertising is the biggest earner for the papers, bringing in up to 90% of the revenue.

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'More dailies to go weekly by 2022', says ex-Northern Echo editor

'More dailies to go weekly by 2022', says ex-Northern Echo editor | DocPresseESJ |

Ex-Northern Echo editor Peter Sands has predicted more regional dailies will become weeklies in the next two years, and stated his belief that a trend may emerge by 2022 of newspaper ownership returning to private companies and individuals.


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Editor Oliver Duff on ten years of the i: 'Print will prosper for much longer than anyone thinks' (pressgazette, 26/10/20)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

“The early digital adopters will have built strong online audiences that will enable them to continue with an effective dual-platform strategy with print remaining profitable and powerful. The digital naysayers will find slightly less tread on the print tyre and will close down more quickly."

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Local newspapers need to be based on public service, not profit

Local newspapers need to be based on public service, not profit | DocPresseESJ |

Advertising revenue alone is no longer enough to sustain regional newsrooms.


Voir aussi "Local democracy reporters praised in first annual review of scheme" (Behind Local News -medium)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"Who can be surprised about that after 15 and more successive years of cost-cutting in which editorial staffs have been so severely reduced that it has been impossible for many titles to do what was once regarded as the basics: coverage of courts and council meetings?"

jcbouniol's curator insight, November 26, 2018 12:19 PM
Une idée dans l'air du temps dirait-on
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About 1,300 U.S. communities have totally lost news coverage

About 1,300 U.S. communities have totally lost news coverage | DocPresseESJ |

It’s hardly a secret that news deserts are spreading, but just how bad is it?
A comprehensive new study released today by the University of North Carolina’s School of Media and Journalism shows that far more U.S. communities have totally lost news coverage — more than 1,300 — than previously known.


Voir aussi "How the BBC built one of the world’s largest collaborative journalism efforts focused entirely on local news" (Niemanlab)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"Most online news efforts, the researchers said, are located in affluent communities where residents have multiple media options."

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Smaller Newspapers Are Doing Just Fine, Thank You, New Report Finds

Smaller Newspapers Are Doing Just Fine, Thank You, New Report Finds | DocPresseESJ |

Big daily newspapers get most of the attention in the local news industry, but they include only 3% of all newspapers, daily and weekly. The other 97% – 6,851 titles – are “small-market newspapers.” Smaller-market papers, with 50,000 or smaller print circulation, are doing quite well overall compared with their larger counterparts, according to the new report “Local News in a Digital World: Small-Market Newspapers in the Digital Age” by journalism professors Damian Radcliffe and Christopher Ali.


Voir aussi "In the UK, data journalism and investigations are getting more local" (journalism.UK) et "Taking heart from top-down efforts to bolster local journalism" (CJR)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

Smaller papers emphasize a “positive and intimate reflection of the sense of place” in their communities.

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BBC to fund 150 local news journalists

BBC to fund 150 local news journalists | DocPresseESJ |

Under the agreement with the News Media Association (NMA), the BBC will fund 150 journalists from 2017. They will be employed by local news organisations to provide a service covering local authorities and public services for news providers including the BBC.

The plan will create a video news bank, which will enable BBC local video and audio content to be accessed by local news media websites, and a new data journalism unit developing expertise and providing content to local news providers.

Lire aussi "New platform Ripple launches as a hub for local stories" (by et "Can online news video save the local and regional press?" (Themediabriefing)

DocPresseESJ's insight:

BBC video will reach more people through local newspaper websites

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The future of journalism will not look like its past – and that is a good thing

The future of journalism will not look like its past – and that is a good thing | DocPresseESJ |

The disintegration of traditional journalism’s business models, in the UK and the US, means we can no longer rely on a few institutions to gather and disseminate news. But the democratisation of tools – and access – means that acts of journalism now come from new people and places almost daily. But more needs to be done to connect those individual pieces and form new networks for civic engagement and quality journalism

DocPresseESJ's insight:

"Digital news is inherently participatory"

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Les lecteurs de la BBC Online réclament une meilleure information locale

Les lecteurs de la BBC Online réclament une meilleure information locale | DocPresseESJ |

Une enquête révèle que les lecteurs de la BBC Online sont déçus par la couverture des informations locales. Dans le paysage médiatique anglais, l'hyperlocal semble être une échelle de traitement devenue incontournable.

DocPresseESJ's insight:

Les pages locales sont perçues comme étant de moins bonne qualité que les pages nationales et internationales

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