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#HR #Leadership Developing first time managers into successful people leaders — Insights from an experienced CHRO #RRHH #Liderazgo

This month we are interviewing Judith Jungmann, who as CHRO of the Beckers Group is responsible for the people ops of about 2000 employees. She previously served as SVP Human Resources and Communication for the Scout 24 Group in Munich, which employs about 1000 people.

These are Judith’s replies to our questions:

How do you develop and support first time managers effectively?


vía @ValdezVera

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#ThinkingTools: The Mighty difference between #Management and #Leadership

#ThinkingTools: The Mighty difference between #Management and #Leadership | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
MyKLogica's insight:

Muy ilustrativo y 100% de acuerdo.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

#RRHH #HR A Disney Formula for #Leadership Success: Values-Infused Leadership

#RRHH #HR A Disney Formula for #Leadership Success: Values-Infused Leadership | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
The formula for leadership success is never as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. In fact, a recent article in Inc. Magazine identified 7 Leadership Qualities You May Not Know You Have, pointing out that some personality traits, which might have been considered “weaknesses” in the past, might lead to personal leadership success today.

We agree with the author’s assertion that empathy, optimism, forgiveness, altruism, eloquence, discernment and modesty are all important factors in determining potential leadership success. We also know that great leadership comes from consistently demonstrating these types of traits over time. 

At Disney Institute, we believe that great leadership depends upon the actions one takes with respect to the organization’s values. We call this “values-infused leadership.”

What defines a values-infused leader? Simply stated: these leaders actively cultivate success by making values foundational to their decision-making. These Four Considerations help to determine their effectiveness:

Via David Hain, Ricard Lloria
MyKLogica's insight:

4 puntos claves básicos para un liderazgo efectivo en las organizaciones:

  1. Alineación de valores
  2. Proactividad
  3. Propósito y visión clara, aunque haya de actualizarse
  4. Inclusión
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Rescooped by MyKLogica from #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

#RRHH #Liderazgo: #Leadership Is An Action Verb

#RRHH #Liderazgo: #Leadership Is An Action Verb | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

According to the dictionary, “leadership” is a noun.  I hate to break it to Merriam-Webster’s, but ask any leader, and they will tell you that “leadership” is a verb.  Not some boring stative non-action verb either, “leadership” is all about action. 

Via Dan Forbes, Ricard Lloria
MyKLogica's insight:

Partiendo de la base que el verbo es "to lead", el título y la introducción pueden resultar un tanto "peculiares", ahora bien, dejando a parte esa matización, 100% de acuerdo con las acciones que un líder debería de llevar a cabo, para pasar del concepto (teórico) a la práctica del liderazgo:

  • Tomar decisiones
  • Dar ejemplo
  • Guiar
  • Motivar
  • Comunicar
  • Anticipar
  • ....
Dan Forbes's curator insight, May 19, 2014 6:24 AM

"If you are a leader who sits on her hands, do not get comfortable, because you will not be a leader for long." Guest post on LeadWithGiants.com by Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Rhodes of the United States Marine Corps Reserves.

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#Liderazgo: 7 #Leadership Lies You Need to Stop Believing

#Liderazgo: 7 #Leadership Lies You Need to Stop Believing | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
Don't believe everything you hear about what it means to be a great leader. Here are seven myths debunked.

vía @abcdexperts

MyKLogica's insight:

7 mitos falsos sobre el liderazgo y la realidad:

  1. Todos los jefes (managers) son líderes: Algunos lo son y otros no.
  2. El liderazgo innato: incluso quienes tienen habilidades innatas deben y pueden aprender y mejorar.
  3. Los líderes siempre tienen la respuesta correcta: saben hacer las preguntas correctas y saben dónde encontrar las respuestas
  4. ....
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Rescooped by MyKLogica from #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

#Leadership #Liderazgo: Revelation or Reflex: Are You Leading from Vision or from Memory?

#Leadership #Liderazgo: Revelation or Reflex: Are You Leading from Vision or from Memory? | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

"The best leaders lead with a powerful blend of revelation AND reflex, memory AND vision."

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge, Ricard Lloria
MyKLogica's insight:

#Liderazgo #Leadership: Los mejores líderes son aquellos que lideran desde la experiencia (pasado), reflexión, visión y revelación ...

Miklos Szilagyi's curator insight, March 22, 2014 12:56 PM

Good...:-))) "Stay hungry. Stay foolish." - Steve Jobs.... interesting, the latter one is OK...:-)))

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#Leadeship #Liderazgo: Breaking Down Those Organizational Walls

#Leadeship #Liderazgo: Breaking Down Those Organizational Walls | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!" 

A number of years ago I was fortunate to be on the opening team of a new theme park in California. I was one of the first brought on in my department, and in those initial months as the park was being built it was a thrill to watch the teamwork and vision take root. As we brought more people on board and got closer to opening day, that momentum continued and the teamwork and excitement flourished.

Vía @CBechervaise @mikehenrysr @F_Jauregui

MyKLogica's insight:

100% de acuerdo con las claves que aporta para derribar barreras organizacionales y, diría, que personales:

- Sé el iniciador

- Abre las comunicaciones

- Busca comprender los puntos de vista ajenos

- Hazles saber lo que valen

- Establece un Visión común

- Se tenaz

¿Añadirías alguna otra?

Ricard Lloria's comment, March 7, 2014 1:51 PM
Se me ocurren hasta 14 que intenté plasmar en el penúltimo post del blog.
MyKLogica's comment, March 8, 2014 4:08 AM
100%!! Buen fin de semana :)
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#Leadership #Liderazgo: 4 Things That Will Make You Happier At Work

#Leadership #Liderazgo: 4 Things That Will Make You Happier At Work | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
Work isn't always fun but quitting is rarely the best option. What can you do to be happier at work without changing jobs? The latest research has answers.
MyKLogica's insight:

Artículo 100% recomendable y fácil de llevar a cabo. Aporta 4 puntos que nos pueden ayudar a sentirnos más satisfechos en y con nuestro trabajo:

- Ampliar la perspectiva

- Comprender su alcance y su incidencia en los resultados

- Potenciar fortalezas

- Invertir en nosotros

¿Añadirías alguno más?

gustavo salazar's curator insight, February 28, 2014 8:10 AM
4 cosas que te haran feliz en el trabajo
Rescooped by MyKLogica from Leadership

#PyMEs #Leadership #Liderazgo: Are you ready to be a thought leader in 2014?

#PyMEs #Leadership #Liderazgo: Are you ready to be a thought leader in 2014? | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
How can you stand out from the crowd as an entrepreneur or small business owner? Develop your credibility and visibility, and that of your company, by establishing yourself as a well-respected thought leader in your niche.

Via Marc Rougier, Ivan Berlocher
MyKLogica's insight:

Muy interesante y muy de acuerdo: El valor añadido y la diferenciación para un emprendedor o pequeña empresa pasa por desarrollar credibilidad y visibilidad mediante un posicionamiento como líder de opinión en nuestra área.

Marc Rougier's curator insight, February 18, 2014 4:49 AM

Denise Brosseau's 6 steps:

  1. Foster Approachability and Be “Of Service” to Others
  2. Listen to Learn
  3. Join Your Ecosystem (even if it means collaborating with your competitors)
  4. Become Discoverable
  5. Share Openly
  6. Think Relay, Not Sprint

Super relevant. When I talk to clients or businesses, one of the biggest problems seems to accept #3 above. Demonstrating thought leadership today implies a shift in the old communication paradigm. Thanks Denise for highlighting it.

Thanks also for mentioning Scoop.it alongside Twitter and LinkedIn as a place to follow great Thought Leaders!

Joyce Layman's curator insight, February 18, 2014 12:08 PM

Being a thought leader starts with your personal brand and all the aspects that go with it. Be relevant, remarkable in your niche and add value to those around you. 

Rescooped by MyKLogica from Autodesarrollo, liderazgo y gestión de personas: tendencias y novedades

Five Ways to Turn Adversaries into Allies

Five Ways to Turn Adversaries into Allies | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
Forget about strolling through life and ending with extraordinary impact. Leadership is never an accident. Influence is intentional and earned. Leaders intentionally have point B in mind. Bob Burg’...

Via Mike Klintworth, John Michel, Jean-Philippe D'HALLUIN, David Hain, Fernanda Grimaldi
MyKLogica's insight:

#Leadership #Liderazgo

100% de acuerdo con lo que se expone en el artículo, desde la introducción, el liderazgo no es un "accidente", es reflejo de un esfuerzo y desarrollo continuado en el tiempo, hasta los 5 puntos para convertir adversarios en aliados:


- Gestiona tus emociones

- Tu eres tu y tus creencias y los demás tienen las suyas

- Todos tenemos ego, "yo" también

- Crea entornos adecuados para la conciliación (este quizás lo describiría de forma diferente, sonreir cuando uno está ¿sorprendido? hace poner una mueca, al menos desde mi perspectiva, pondría:

1º foco en la solución

2º controla la subida de "adrenalina"

3º + foco en la solución

4º practica el beneficio de la duda y pregunta

5º + foco en la solución

6º mantén el diálogo abierto hasta que llegues a la solución

- Tacto y consideración y empatía


Mike Klintworth's curator insight, November 13, 2013 11:01 AM

Effective influence builds a team of allies not adversaries.

John Michel's curator insight, November 13, 2013 12:06 PM

The key to empathy is communicating that you understand how they feel. If you don’t understand how they feel, communicate that you understand they are feeling something.

Graeme Reid's curator insight, November 22, 2013 10:09 PM

Some key points to increase your influence - it all starts with self awareness.

Rescooped by MyKLogica from Autodesarrollo, liderazgo y gestión de personas: tendencias y novedades

Smart #Leadership: Delegate, Prioritize and Simplify vía @FerGrimaldi

Smart #Leadership: Delegate, Prioritize and Simplify vía @FerGrimaldi | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

Are you still measuring the value of your leadership by how many hours you put in or how long your to-do list is? Don't work hard; work smart. Here's how to do it.

Via Fernanda Grimaldi
MyKLogica's insight:

100% recomendable este artículo en el que muestra 3 claves de un liderazgo inteligente, es decir aquel que facilita el trabajo a través de su equipo sabiendo delegar en las personas adecuadas, priorizando tareas y actividades simplificando procesos para que el equipo gane en eficacia y eficiencia. 

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5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM

5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

Rise and shine! Morning time just became your new best friend. Love it or hate it, utilizing the morning hours before work may be the key to a successful, and healthy, lifestyle. That’s right, early rising is a common trait found in many CEOs, government officials, and other influential people. Margaret Thatcher was up every day at 5 a.m.; Frank Lloyd Wright at 4 am and Robert Iger, the CEO of Disney wakes at 4:30am just to name a few. I know what you’re thinking – you do your best work at night. Not so fast. According to Inc. Magazine, morning people have been found to be more proactive and more productive. In addition, the health benefits for those with a life before work go on and on. Let’s explore 5 of the things successful people do before 8 am.

MyKLogica's insight:

100% de acuerdo con los 5 puntos que expone el artículo:


1º Haz ejercicio

2º Organiza el día

3º Energetízate con un desayuno saludable

4º Visualiza enfocándote en lo que deseas conseguir

5º Haz lo que menos te guste lo primero


Cuando lo hagas notarás la diferencia.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from Mindful Leadership & Intercultural Communication

Janice L. Marturano: #Leadership Burnout: A Simple Way to Re-engage

Janice L. Marturano: #Leadership Burnout: A Simple Way to Re-engage | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
Is there a simple way to begin to support leadership development and cultivate the ability to lead with excellence? Happily, there is.


All too often, we as leaders lose our way. Rather than face into what is most important, we allow ourselves to get pulled into the surrounding chaos or distracted by the 'emergency of the day' while the truly important matters are left unattended. And, over time, we can begin to feel as though this is simply the way it is, even as we also notice a sense of loss, anger or frustration.


We know that we are failing to lead with the kind of excellence that we are innately capable of exhibiting. Missed opportunities, lack of innovation, ethical mistakes, and loss of productivity can be the result. And that isn't even the end of the story!

Via Jenny Ebermann
MyKLogica's insight:

Una entrada 100% recomendable para aquellos que se sientan frustrados o a punto de quemarse con una clave sencilla y fácil de aplicar para comenzar el proceso de "re-engagement".


An post 100% recommended for those who are frustrated or about to be burnout, with a simple and easy to apply key to begin the process of "re-engagement".

Scott Span, MSOD's curator insight, October 1, 2013 9:42 AM

How do you re-engage?

Rescooped by MyKLogica from #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

Intelligent Disobedience: 5 Ways to Invite Disconfirming #Feedback #HR #Leadership

Intelligent Disobedience: 5 Ways to Invite Disconfirming #Feedback #HR #Leadership | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
“Serious errors are avoided by the use of Intelligent Disobedience.” Ira Chaleff, author of Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You're Told to Do Is Wrong. Blind obedience is dangerous: Skilled guide dogs disobey when their owner commands them to step into traffic. Successful teams learn to differentiate between constructive dissent - intelligent disobedience - and…
Via Fernanda Grimaldi, Ricard Lloria
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#Innovation #Leadership #Innovación #Liderazgo: To Thrive in Chaos and Ambiguity

#Innovation #Leadership #Innovación #Liderazgo: To Thrive in Chaos and Ambiguity | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

The Social Age is a time of constant change: an evolved landscape of work and play. The nature of work itself has changed and, alongside it, the social contract between organisation and individual. Our relationship with knowledge has evolved too: away from knowing stuff to creating meaning. The ability to find meaning in the moment and to do it again, tomorrow, differently. Which is what we call agility and uninhibited curiosity. The desire and freedom to question everything.

vía @juandoming

MyKLogica's insight:

Gran artículo el que nos trae Juan Domingo Farnós, en el que reflexiona cómo las organizaciones jerarquizadas y burocráticas perderán fuelle frente a las organizaciones "sociales, aquellas que potencien la capacidad de adaptación, el liderazgo por ejemplo o la "socialización" de sus colaboradores.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from Autodesarrollo, liderazgo y gestión de personas: tendencias y novedades

#Leadership #Liderazgo: Manager’s Mantra: Walk the Talk, Give Credit, Admit When You Don’t Know

#Leadership #Liderazgo: Manager’s Mantra: Walk the Talk, Give Credit, Admit When You Don’t Know | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

No one thought it was a great idea, especially my boss. They finally gave in because I pushed so hard. Well you know what? It was the best and most popular part of the show. Everyone raved about it, however, I am sitting here incredulous because on the call my boss took credit for it all. I can’t.

That statement came from a Millennial I know who is beyond disgusted with her job. She loves the company but the manager wants all the credit.

Via Fernanda Grimaldi
MyKLogica's insight:

6 comportamientos que harán que tus colaboradores confíen en ti, trabajes en una gran empresa o seas una pyme:

1. Valora el trabajo dando el crédito a quien lo merece

2. Se sincero y di la verdad

3. Si te comprometes, hazlo y si no puedes, dilo

4. Se discreto

5. Predica con el ejemplo

6. Conócete y revisa tus comportamientos

José Luis Rubio's curator insight, June 9, 2014 11:59 AM

Dar una oportunidad a quien se lo merece!

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#Liderazgo #Leadership: 7 Ways #Blogging Makes You a Better Leader

#Liderazgo #Leadership: 7 Ways #Blogging Makes You a Better Leader | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

I’ve realized so many business benefits from blogging and it has become one of my favorite things to talk about with leaders trying to figure out social media’s role in the enterprise. But beyond the tangible business benefits, there are also great personal benefits to help you become a stronger leader. This is why blogging and leadership go hand-in-hand:

Vía @markwschaefer @LisaPetrilli

MyKLogica's insight:

7 razones de porqué tener (y mantener) un blog te puede ayudar en tu liderazgo, al desarrollar ciertas habilidades o darte la capacidad de relación con tus "stakeholders":

  1. Claridad: te ayuda a articular mensajes claros
  2. Feedback: comprobar reacciones
  3. Autoridad
  4. Credibilidad
  5. Expertise (thought leadership)
  6. Gestión de crisis
  7. "por si acaso" ... nunca sabes quién puede leer tu blog

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#HR #Leadership: 9 Tricks E.Musk, J.Bezos, And Other Top Execs Use To Run Meetings

#HR #Leadership: 9 Tricks E.Musk, J.Bezos, And Other Top Execs Use To Run Meetings | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

Americans sit through some 11 million meetings every day — with the unproductive ones costing companies $37 billion a year. 

Since we've already looked at the most egregious meeting mistakes, we decided to explore how the most successful executives run effective meetings.

Vía @Paco229

MyKLogica's insight:

Las reuniones pueden llegar a ser una pérdida de tiempo (y de dinero) tremenda en las empresas, de ahí que sea interesante las diferentes estrategias que diferentes CEOs de 9 compañías globales llevan a cabo, para que las reuniones sean productivas y una buena inversión.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

Principled #Leadership - #Liderazgo

Principled #Leadership - #Liderazgo | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

With the death of Tony Benn, a famous Labour politician, it got me thinking about principled leadership. Whilst many will not agree with the ideas that Tony Benn followed, I think we have to respect the way he went about them.

He was born into the upper middle class, and yet turned down his heredity peerage which would have prevented him from serving in the House of Commons, because he wanted to serve there in order to help people.

Via Ricard Lloria
MyKLogica's insight:

#Leadership #Liderazgo - Necesitamos referentes de este tipo, con valores innegociables.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from Mediocre Me

#Leadership #Liderazgo: 3 Forces That Shape Character

#Leadership #Liderazgo: 3 Forces That Shape Character | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

Charisma may be useful in attracting a following, but it is largely useless when it comes to achieving a long-term, positive impact on the people and organizations we lead. For this, we need character. Effective leadership is an inside-out job.

Via John Michel
MyKLogica's insight:

#Leadership #Liderazgo

Un gran artículo, 100% recomendable con 3 claves claras y sencillas para ayudarnos a modelar nuestro carácter y personalidad.

Jean-Philippe D'HALLUIN's curator insight, March 5, 2014 6:10 AM

Choose wisely !

Vittorio Grieco's curator insight, March 5, 2014 11:01 AM
Rescooped by MyKLogica from Music, Videos, Colours, Natural Health

#Leadership #Liderazgo: 7 Unconventional Behaviours Of Inspiring Leaders

#Leadership #Liderazgo: 7 Unconventional Behaviours Of Inspiring Leaders | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

Exceptional leaders are not always perfect, and sometimes downright quirky. But they display a set of behaviours that make them admired and loved. Here is a look at seven rare ones.

Via David Ednie, Bobby Dillard, John Michel, Amy Ragsdale, Gust MEES, Estelblau
MyKLogica's insight:

Interesante el conjunto de comportamientos que trae a colación Ekaterina Walter, comportamientos referentes e inspiradores.

¿Aportarías alguno más?

Sandeep Gautam's curator insight, February 22, 2014 2:32 AM

some resonate with me, some dont !!

Denis Fortier's curator insight, February 23, 2014 2:04 PM

Listening is tough but hearing is even tougher.

Madhav Sharma's curator insight, February 24, 2014 8:49 PM

How many have you come across, I have come across one in Jet Airways, who always asked this question Why ? and How ? made us think and  helped us to win. 

Rescooped by MyKLogica from Cooperación en red

#Leadership: Traditional vs Collaborative Leaders: 8 Key Indicators

#Leadership: Traditional vs Collaborative Leaders: 8 Key Indicators | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
What is collaborative leadership? Collaborative leadership is a philosophy of leadership where the leader becomes a facilitator instead of an authorit

Via Cristóbal Suárez
MyKLogica's insight:

Muy clara y precisa esta infografía que muestra 10 diferencias esenciales entre el liderazgo tradicional y el colaborativo.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from #Campoo y Sur de #Cantabria

#Recomiendo: 8 tips to Teach Your Students How to Have a Conversation

#Recomiendo: 8 tips to Teach Your Students How to Have a Conversation | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

I was recently in a third grade classroom and was struck by the presence of rules that were posted for how to have a conversation. The poster said, "Each person must contribute to the discussion but take turns talking. Ask each other, 'Would you like to add to my idea?' or 'Can you tell us what you are thinking?' Ask questions so that you understand each other's ideas. Say, 'Can you tell me more about that?' or 'Can you say that in another way?'"


Via Elisa Hergueta, juandoming, MyKLogica
MyKLogica's insight:

One of the best articles/posts I´ve ever read on teaching and training on conversation. Change "students" for collaborators, and you have 8 good tips to excellent active listening and dialoguing.


Uno de los mejores artículos que he leído sobre introdución y entrenamiento en el diálogo y las conversaciones. Cambiemos "estudiantes" por colaboradores y te encontrarás con 8 magníficas claves de a la escucha activa excelente y al diálogo.

MyKLogica's curator insight, November 11, 2013 6:57 AM

Uno de los mejores artículos que he leído sobre cómo introducir a las personas al diálogo y a la conversación, en este caso, estudiantes, con ejemplos concretos que se pueden poner en práctica desde ya.


100% recomendable!

MyKLogica's comment, November 11, 2013 6:57 AM
Buenísimo. Gracias!
Rescooped by MyKLogica from Liderazgo - Inteligencia Emocional - Management

The Trends In Social That Will Change How Leaders Create Content

The Trends In Social That Will Change How Leaders Create Content | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it
Simply word vomiting your expertise on a blog or website doesn’t make you a thought leader. Readers won’t flock to your content just because you’ve written it.

Via Ricard Lloria, Gladys Pintado, AlexaSocialMedia - Social Media & Community Management
MyKLogica's insight:

Ya no basta escribir un buen artículo, con palabras clave que nos posicione en los buscadores. El contenido actual tendrá que tener en cuenta los dispositivos móviles, atraer con buenas imágenes y ser claros, concisos e ir al grano, si queremos atraer este tipo de lectores y que nos ayuden en su difusión. Respecto al primer punto al que se refiere, con todo mi respeto, difiero. Un usuario de dispositivo móvil, dudo mucho que difunda un contenido porque tenga o deje de tener un sponsor, siempre que haya construido una buena red o reputación, eso sí, quien lo tiene, lo tendrá más fácil.

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Rescooped by MyKLogica from Mindful Leadership & Intercultural Communication

Strengthen and Sustain Culture with Storytelling

Strengthen and Sustain Culture with Storytelling | Empresa Sostenible | Scoop.it

When a new hire joins your company, what do they take away from their first impression of your organization?


In most process-driven companies, the first impression is usually a twelve-inch binder full of procedures, checklists, and forms that tell employees exactly what to do, and what not to do. In product-driven companies, new hires might get a sample of your company’s flagship offering — a shiny laptop, a sporty bike, a sweet box of chocolates — along with that twelve-inch binder. If your company’s product isn’t tangible, that binder might come with a pile of collateral on the strategic/integrated/value-added/flexible/contextual/virtual/something-as-a-service your company sells. I don’t know about you, but the only thing I’d be interested in is the chocolate.

Via Jenny Ebermann
MyKLogica's insight:

Un buen artículo sobre cómo ayudar a conseguir una mayor involucración de los colaboradores con la empresa, ahora bien, hemos de tener en cuenta que dicha "storytelling" ha de ir acompañada por algo más que una narración interesante. De nada sirve hablar sobre los sueños del fundador, dónde queremos llegar ... si después en el día a día, el storytelling se convierte en una "telling de miedo, abusos, desprecios ...".


El verdadero arte de una involucración de este tipo, es cuando se integra en el ADN de la empresa y no son sólo los "líderes" quienes te lo cuentan, sino los propios compañeros porque es una vivencia y experiencia diaria.

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