Lilies, a softbox, and a Fuji X pro 1 | Nick Lukey | Fujifilm X Series APS C sensor camera |

Had been looking at ways to shoot these Lilies for a few days, wanted something different than the standard flower head shot. A few of the heads had not opened so I sort of deconstructed them for this shoot. The lighting was a simple setup, using a Nikon sb800 flash head, in a small portable softbox. Set the flash on manual at 1/125th power. Firing the flash through a yongnuo rf trigger. Shooting with this flash setup could not be simpler set your chosen shutterspeed, needs to be under 250th as the rf trigger doesn't synch above 250th.  Adjust your  aperture and away you go. I placed the softbox as near as I could to soften the light. The film setting was Astia and all images were taken at ISO 200 with the Fuji 35mm.

Via Thomas Menk