Fujinon 16mm 1.4 | Neill Soden | Photography Gear News | Scoop.it

This lens was somewhat of a surprise to me. Generally, I avoid wide angles like I avoid aubergine. However, I really grew to like the lens, which turned out to not be like aubergine at all. Unlike the 14mm, which I just could not get to like, this was different. Aperture ring moves with the nice, elegant clicks we've gotten used to on the 56mm, and have the manual focus quick pull-back, like on the 14mm and 23mm. It feels a bit bigger than the 23mm in hand, and is not shy in length next to the 56mm, with a ring size of 67mm.  Being weather sealed, that's no surprise. I have always wondered why you would use f/1.4 in a wide angle, as for me this is more of a landscape lens and you would normally shoot f/8 and above...........

Via Thomas Menk