Leica S2 Field Report | Photography Gear News | Scoop.it

"I am a nature photographer. To be more specific, my primary work is that of an African wildlife photographer, and I also photograph landscapes on different continents. I adopted digital cameras as my primary shooting platform back in the early days of 2002 and I have never looked back. I have always been on a quest for the best-printed image that I can obtain, and as of late I have been looking at all of the medium format digital offerings that are on the market today. This article is the first in a series of reviews of the higher megapixel offerings that are available in today’s market.

In this review I have documented my experience with the Leica S2 camera system, which I used to photograph landscapes and wildlife in both Moab, Utah and Antartica in 2011. It was a privilege to have the Leica S2 with me on two such important journeys."